Rotala Rotundifolia Return to Aquarium page
Scientific Name Rotala rotundifolia
Common Name Rotala Rotundifolia, Dwarf Rotala
Origin Italy, Russia, Asia
Mature Height Medium to tall
Coloration Light green and pink
Placement Rear and corners
Growth Rate Fast
Lighting 3.0 - 5.0 watts/gallon
Temperature 64 - 83°F
pH 6.5 - 7.0
Hardness 3 - 25 dGH
Propagation Easy to propagate by replanting cuttings
Notes I've had reasonably good success with this plant. Propagation is simple - when an individual plant gets too tall, I cut the top half off and replant it. The bottom half that I left in place then starts sprouting lots of side shoots, which can also be cut and planted within a few weeks. After several weeks of this you end up with a nice, densely planted area.
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